Albac snc Quattordio Cablaggi Elettrici

Albac snc
Wire Harness production

P. IVA 01293330062

Via San Martino, 6/4
15028 Quattordio

+39 0131 773594

Where we are

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Who we are

Albac, based in Quattordio (AL), is a company specialized in the production of wire harness and automotive components.

The entire production is performed in Italy in all its phases, from the development to the assembly and on-table electrical testing, passing through the cuttingcrimping and ultrasonic welding phases.

Quality and experience

All processes are managed by competent personnel in continuous training and with a long experience in the field of electrical processing.

© Copyright - Albac snc | CABLAGGI ELETTRICI | - Sito realizzato: Studio grafico Panpepato